Friday, March 15, 2013

Second Blog

The major claim of the text is that people of color in Brazil had more opportunity than  those in North America. They had their own slaves and were intermingled into society. This is significant because there is clearly a different mindset about people of color in South American colonies. In the North people of color aren't even considered human. There is no upward mobility for a slave, once a slave always a slave. The Northern colored person had no hope of ever becoming free and living life as they chose, they worked until death. The sentiment towards people of color in South America was that they could start over and make something of themselves once they bought their freedom. In the North even after emancipation, it was an ingrained idea that people of color were inferior. There was no atmosphere of acceptance of colored people as equal humans.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is very clear in expressing your thoughts about the difference in slavery between North and South America. I like your use of vocabulary, it is easy to read and interesting while showing you have a clear understanding of the text you are writing about. However, from the very beginning I wonder the major claim of what text? It is your opening statement but you don't refer directly back to the text in question; I'd like to know what it was you were talking about. Also in your second sentence, who had their own slaves? Was it only the people of color in Brazil? You proceed to broaden the region you are talking about when you focus on South America vs North America, meanwhile you open with a focus on Brazil; perhaps stating South America from the beginning would keep your focus consistent. You may want to give examples for the” Southern mindset” prior to examples of the North following your third sentence, or you could also provide more examples showing the difference of slavery in South America. I feel your topic sentence is only half explained when you note the things that slaves could not accomplish in North America, and don't provide an equal amount of examples of the opportunities available to slaves in South America. Otherwise, I find your ideas are expressed very well.
